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For the last 15 days, as I walk into the showroom, I am greeted by a myriad of noises. Loud, banging, sounds of drilling into concrete and the occasional yell from one contractor to the other. Despite the fact we have an absolutely incredible crew, that works hard and does a fantastic job, the process is still, quite daunting.  

Today, as I fought through a maze of misplaced, plastic covered furniture, covered in drywall dust, to attempt to find a quiet place to write, my sympathies grew for my clients navigating their own renovations at home.  

We all know that construction is a disruption. We expect it, but, it doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy.  As design professionals, we have guided countless people through this process, yet somehow, when we are in the middle of it ourselves….there are days that we want to pull our hair out.  

 So today’s guide, that we share with our clients, serves as a friendly reminder to ourselves! 

5 Steps to Living through a Renovation 

You’ve found reliable, trustworthy, insured contractors, you’ve planned for weeks, if not months, carefully making selections that fit your look and your budget. You finally write a big check to get it all going, and then, you wait! You are excited, but nervous, and you don’t know what to expect. I’m going to let you in on a little secret, no one does! Absolutely every job is different, no matter what. I have literally never had a job go through to the end without something unexpected happening. This leads me to: 

#1) Make a plan but stay flexible.  

This is the number one reason to hire a good interior designer. We have seen, and experienced almost anything that could go “wrong” and we will have solutions, or work like crazy to “fix it” and get the project back on track.   However, staying flexible and trusting your designer and contractor is key!  Things happen and you have to be willing to pivot and make a change if need be. If you get overly fixated on something you can end up unnecessarily devastated. It’s rarely one thing that makes a room. Great spaces are about an overall design. Think big picture!  

#2) Plan for dust.  

It is inevitable and despite all the efforts that your contractors take, you will have to make regular cleaning a dusting a priority through the whole process. Plan for it and accept it.  

#3) Keep up on communication 

Maintaining good communication with everyone is key to making sure things go smoothly. Ask questions, talk through concerns, discuss timelines and schedules, and communicate regularly with everyone involved.  Don’t be afraid to be honest if you don’t like something and speak up if you aren’t sure what’s going on. If something seems off or not right, ask questions, and don’t be afraid to share your opinions or concerns. Honest and kind communication always wins! Which leads me to my next! 

#4) Be kind to your contractors. 

There is a big difference between a homeowner who communicates concerns and asks questions, in attempt to understand, and find solutions, verses a homeowner who hovers and picks apart someone’s work or tries to micromanage every detail of the project. You should feel confidant in the plan you signed off on and the craftsman you hired to do it. Trusting the people you hire puts everyone at ease, and creates an environment for people to do their best.  

However, we’re all human and mistakes can happen.  It’s my experience that the clients who show grace and understanding in those situations are met with a crew who go the extra mile not only to remedy THAT error, but also in other areas of the job as well.  

Also, a little kindness goes a long way. Bringing in some coffee and donuts one morning, when the whole crew is there, or grabbing lunch one day during the project, never hurts. No crew ever expects it, but I’ve seen that perk up a jobsite in a heartbeat and help the team work harder the rest of the day. Not required of course, but never a bad idea. 

#5) Breath, Have Patience and Keep your Eye on the Prize 

Do some yoga, go to a friend’s house for the night, and just keep looking at your vision boards! Celebrate the changes and progress you are seeing.  

It’s easy to lose your head, when you are in the thick of it, but when you think about the finished product and remember why you chose to do this project, in the first place, it helps you keep your cool. It will all be worth it in the end. Great things take time.  

Trend: A general direction of change: a way of behaving, proceeding, etc., that is developing and becoming more common.

At Curated Fine Furnishings, we recognize the allure of trends. They offer a chance to infuse freshness and modernity into our living spaces. However, we also understand the pitfalls of overindulging in trends. A room overly saturated with a singular trend can feel contrived and lacking in authenticity.

Having grown up in the 1980’s, I can remember how almost everyone’s parents had the same set of dishes, or the same piece of artwork that hung in our grandparents’ homes. For years, the design and fashion worlds have been driven by trends. Some decorating trends have longevity, while others fade as quickly as the setting sun. For many of us, we look back on certain trends throughout the years with delight and nostalgia, while others elicit cringe-worthy emotions. When it comes to trends in interior decorating, we can pinpoint a timeframe or date as to when your room was designed, or furnishings purchased. The purple and green plaid chair, bought in 1994, or the hunter green leather sofa with gold paisley pillows and burgundy drapes with heavy bronze hardware purchased in 1998. Let’s not forget the chevron kick in the 2010’s or the boucle trend of the current day.

Trends can be a wonderful way to make your home feel “current” or “updated.” When used sparingly, there is absolutely nothing wrong with using a new trend to give your space an update, especially, when that trend is something you love. The problem lies in relying solely on one trend for your room or house update that is implemented across the board.

Today, we also live in an age of information overload. Years ago, our parents waited patiently for the next edition of Better Homes and Gardens, or Martha Stewart’s next book for inspiration in home decor. But now, we have influencers that are partnering with retail partners, they are contributing to blogs, Instagram, Pinterest, you name it.

The level of decorating content is literally at our fingertips but relying so heavily on what everyone else’s life and home décor looks like online can become problematic. For one, homeowners stop trusting their own instincts and style choices, and two, we’ve all heard the phrase, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Why decorate the same way everyone else is, only to realize it does not reflect your personal taste and style?

I’ve seen people take a room design way too far. When you don’t even live on a farm and absolutely everything in the room is “farmhouse” it can feel disingenuous. Why have pictures of cows, chickens and pigs when you live in a beautiful Cincinnati suburban neighborhood? If it has a personal connection, that is certainly different, but the idea or feeling that you should decorate a certain way just because it’s what everyone else is doing is becoming a thing of the past.

Especially as a designer, over-utilizing a trend can feel lazy. We all like to hit the easy button, but it rarely results in an interior space that the owner is excited to show off.

Add to all the outside influences as it comes to decorating trends that we also have more purchasing options than we have ever had before. We are no longer limited to whatever happens to be available in the local department store. We also think differently. We are more diverse as a culture and have a greater understanding of our environment and the importance of sustainable choices.

We live in a time where we no longer are stuck with only a few options, or ideas of what’s “in style.” The diversity of what feels current is incredibly exciting. Today’s Anti-Trend is all about finding what you love, what speaks to you and what makes sense for your daily life. No longer shall we walk into homes that all feel the same. Vintage finds, family heirlooms, unique personal art, and accessories, mixed with high quality, sustainable upholstery, is what the new consumer is looking for, and we here at Curated Fine Furnishings are ready. Come check out or elegantly eclectic showroom in Loveland and see how we can help inspire a space that is in alignment with your specific sense of style.

With over 20 years in the industry, I have seen homeowners attempt to furnish their homes with slews of discount shopping trips, only to turn around return, sell, or replace those items a few months later.  Sometimes I hear people say, “I got tired of it.” But, what the real issue probably is, is that, they regret their purchase because they didn’t understand what they needed or what they were buying in the first place.

When professional help is affordable and available, I often wonder why people hesitate to hire a designer? Is it that they think interior designers are just expensive entities that are only out to spend as much of your money as possible, and make the room look only the way THEY want it to?

One thing I know is that when I help a client find the perfect piece for a room, by taking the time to understand their needs, their desires for the space and their own personal style, and budget, whether that purchase be art, a gorgeous accent chair, with hand selected upholstery, or beautiful custom draperies, whatever it might be, it’s those things in their space that they hang on to, that they love and holds up for a longer period of time. They keep those items. They don’t regret those purchases, because it is the right thing, and they love it. In fact, our clients will tell you, some of those items in the designs we present might be more expensive than what they originally planned to spend, others might be less. Because we educate our clients through the design process, they make decisions easily and with confidence. We don’t force them to buy things they don’t want or make them spend money that they don’t have. Our clients don’t have regrets when it comes to their homes. In fact, our customers say all the time, “Why didn’t I hire you sooner?”

We aim to help you make purchases for the long haul, things that will last and you will love for a long period of time. We help you make the best investment into your home as possible, which arguably helps you save money in the long run, even if that initial purchase was more expensive than they originally set out to spend.