With over 20 years in the industry, I have seen homeowners attempt to furnish their homes with slews of discount shopping trips, only to turn around return, sell, or replace those items a few months later.  Sometimes I hear people say, “I got tired of it.” But, what the real issue probably is, is that, they regret their purchase because they didn’t understand what they needed or what they were buying in the first place.

When professional help is affordable and available, I often wonder why people hesitate to hire a designer? Is it that they think interior designers are just expensive entities that are only out to spend as much of your money as possible, and make the room look only the way THEY want it to?

One thing I know is that when I help a client find the perfect piece for a room, by taking the time to understand their needs, their desires for the space and their own personal style, and budget, whether that purchase be art, a gorgeous accent chair, with hand selected upholstery, or beautiful custom draperies, whatever it might be, it’s those things in their space that they hang on to, that they love and holds up for a longer period of time. They keep those items. They don’t regret those purchases, because it is the right thing, and they love it. In fact, our clients will tell you, some of those items in the designs we present might be more expensive than what they originally planned to spend, others might be less. Because we educate our clients through the design process, they make decisions easily and with confidence. We don’t force them to buy things they don’t want or make them spend money that they don’t have. Our clients don’t have regrets when it comes to their homes. In fact, our customers say all the time, “Why didn’t I hire you sooner?”

We aim to help you make purchases for the long haul, things that will last and you will love for a long period of time. We help you make the best investment into your home as possible, which arguably helps you save money in the long run, even if that initial purchase was more expensive than they originally set out to spend.